Saturday, 28 December 2013


                                     USE YOUR PEN DRIVE AS YOUR SYSTEM RAM                                                                                     
1) First Insert the Pen Drive at least having an memory of 1 GB ,( Preferably 4 GB) in the Given USB port of the Computer

2) Wait for the Pen Drive Detection and see whether it is detected or not

3) After detection of Pen Drive, you should do the following things Carefully

4) Now go to My Computer and right click it, then go to the Properties

5) Now go to Advanced and then to the Performance settings

6) Now again Advanced, and go to Change

7) In the Change, select the pen drive which u inserted

Then click on the Custom size and " check the value of space available "

9) Please Enter the Same in the Initial and Maximum Columns also

10) Now your Pen drive space is used for the System Virtual Memory , Just Restart and enjoy the Faster and Furious PC

India's second moon mission chandrayaan 2 [rover /lander]

Developing in weapon sector is not enough to call a country a developed country...
--Recently India launches Mission to Mars...So why china stay behind they send a robo to Moon...So why we Indian stay behind..Its our Indian tendency to look at what our neighbor doing and how to go ahead of them..
So isro plans for moon mission----
The Chandrayaan-2 is an ISRO mission aimed to place an orbiter around the moon and send a lander with a rover to its surface in 2015.

ISRO initially planned to undertake the mission in collaboration with Roskosmos of Russia. However, following the failure of the Russian Phobos-Grunt, a sample return mission to Phobos (one of the moons of Mars), Roskosmos told ISRO that in order to increase the reliability of their planetary mission they would have to redesign their Moon Lander, resulting in an increase in its mass. Consequently, ROSCOSMOS suggested rescheduling of the Chandrayan-2 mission to either 2015 or in 2017. In case ISRO opted for a 2015 launch, the risk of failure would be higher and the ISRO Moon rover would have to be lighter.

Following the Russian inputs, ISRO invited its former Chairman, Chief Prof UR Rao, to do a program review; he recommended that India should go it alone. The country could realize the Lander module in the next few years.

Currently the spacecraft is being reconfigured for the proposed Indian Rover and Lander modules.

World Trade Center Facts

India --- Pakistan 1971 war Russia's role

This article is to tell u about Soviet Union / Russian Role in the Indo Pakistan 1971 War. Must read, must like and SHARE!

On 3rd December, 1971, the World was shaken by another war between India and Pakistan. Pakistani air force raided Indian cities and airstrips. The Indian PM, Indira Gandhi, brought the country in the state of emergency and ordered Indian army to reflect the aggression. Fierce military operations developed on the ground, in the air and in the sea.

As India had decided to go on with the war, and Indira Gandhi had failed to gain American support and sympathy for the Bengalis who were being tortured in East Pakistan. She finally took a hard move and on August 9, signed a treaty of peace, friendship and cooperation with Soviet Union.

The Soviet Intelligence has reported that the British battleships are sailing nearer to territorial India water, led by an aircraft carrier “Eagle” [On December 10]. For helping friendly India, Soviet government has directed a group of ships under the command of contr-admiral V. Kruglyakov.

He positioned his battleships in the Bay of Bengal and watched for the British carrier "Eagle".

But Soviet Union didn't have enough force to resist if they encountered the British Carrier. Therefore, to support the existing Soviet fleet in the Bay of Bengal, Soviet cruisers, destroyers and nuclear submarines, equipped with anti ship missiles, were sent from Vladivostok.

In reaction British Navy retreated and went South to Madagascar.

Soon the news of American carrier Enterprise and USS Tripoli's advancement towards Indian water came. Admiral V. Kruglyakov had obtained the order from the commander-in-chief not to allow the advancement of the American fleet to the military bases of India.

Soviet ships encircled American ships and aimed the missiles at the ' USS Enterprise'. Soviets had blocked American ship’s way and didn't allow them to head anywhere, neither to Karachi, nor to Chittagong or Dhaka".

The Soviet ships had small range rockets (only up to 300 KM). Therefore, to hold the opponent under the range, commanders ran risks of going as near to the enemy as possible.

The Chief Commander had ordered admiral V. Kruglyakov to lift the submarines and bring them to the surface so that it can be pictured by the American spy satellites or can be seen by the American Navy!' It was done to demonstrate, that we had all the needed things in Indian Ocean, including the nuclear submarines. Soviet Admiral had lifted them, and American’s spy satellites saw it as soviets expected.

Then, Soviet admiral V. Kruglyakov intercepted the American communication.

The commander of the Carrier Battle Group was then the counter-admiral Dimon Gordon. He sent the report to the 7th American Fleet Commander: 'Sir, we are too late. There are Russian nuclear submarines here, and a big collection of battleships'.

Americans returned and couldn't do anything.

Soviet Union had also threatened China that, if they ever opened a front against India on its border, they will receive a tough response from North.

1971 war is only a one reason in history for consider Russia as India's true best friend. 

Titanic Facts !!!

Way to go !!!!!!!!

Lessons from Roger Federer

Saturday, 7 December 2013

Christine Fox : Inspiration for ‘Top Gun’ character gets top-level Pentagon post

The inspiration for the leading female role in the 80s blockbuster movie “Top Gun,” has soared to new heights in real life.
Christine Fox has become the first woman appointed to the Pentagon’s No. 2 job, set to serve in an acting capacity until a permanent successor is named.
Her boss, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel, called Fox, "a brilliant defense thinker and proven manager."
Fox most recently held a top-level defense post where she played a large role in determining budget priorities.

"She helped identify the challenges, choices, and opportunities for reform facing the department during this period of unprecedented budget uncertainty. She will be able to help me shape our priorities from Day One because she knows the intricacies of the department's budget, programs and global operations better than anyone," Hagel said in a statement.
A long-time civilian defense employee, Fox held several influential positions over the years.
But she is perhaps best known for serving as the inspiration for Tom Cruise's love interest in the 1986 film, about a hot shot pilot's experience at the Top Gun Naval Flying School.
According to a People Magazine profile published shortly before the film's release, Fox was working as a mathematician at the Miramar Naval Air Station in San Diego when she was introduced to movie producers Don Simpson and Jerry Bruckheimer.
The two had been brainstorming a possible love interest for Cruise's character, Maverick, and thought Fox fit the bill.
The result was Charlie, a beautiful astrophysicist played by Kelly McGillis, who instructed the Top Gun candidates.
The movie was a hit with viewers. Off screen, Fox continued to advance through the ranks at the Defense Department, serving as a scientific analyst to the Chief of Naval Operations and as president of the Center for Naval Analyses.
As acting deputy secretary, Fox will take over the role being vacated by Ashton Carter until a permanent successor is named and confirmed by the Senate.

The potato battery kit could provide LED-powered lighting for 40 days

What do you do with a boiled potato? You slice it, insert it between two electrodes, place an alligator chip, and turn it into a battery. The device has been used to provide LED-powered lighting for 40 days (and at a fraction of the cost of a typical AA battery). The potato battery kit could be used in remote regions and, because spuds are starchy and rich in phosphoric acid, they will last for several months and won’t attract insects. 

The idea for TAK Studio's Turbine Lights

The idea for TAK Studio's Turbine Lights works like this: cars drive by on the highway, creating wind that spins the turbines built onto the streetlights.

The turbine then turn and generate electricity, which powers the streetlights at night or, we hope, gets fed into the grid.

The Most Important Image Captured By Hubble

In 1996, scientists took a huge risk when they pointed the Hubble telescope to an inky field that they believed to be void of stars and planets. As images from Hubble are in constant demand, the worry was that devoting so much time to a black space would prove futile. Once the photons finally registered, though, that leap of faith proved fruitful: light from over three thousand galaxies illuminated the image. A few years and missions later, Hubble’s glimpse into what is known as the deep field has revealed that we are just one tiny part of a vast system comprising 100 billion galaxies.

Friday, 6 December 2013

Moon gardens: NASA to sow 1st seeds of future habitat

NASA is bravely venturing into new scientific territory with a plan to start growing plants on the moon no later than 2015. The experiment is designed to yield important knowledge about life’s long-term chances in space – including for us.
The initiative comes courtesy of the Lunar Plant Growth Habitat team – a small group of scientists, students, volunteers and contractors – who plan to install specially-designed containers about the size of a coffee can, in which the plants will be encased, complete with sensors, cameras and other devices that will be relaying information down to Earth.
This is to be the first life sciences project conducted on another world and is ambitious about exploring opportunities for future human life support, apart from the obvious benefits of learning more about growing life in extreme temperatures.
The dream is to be able to freely live on the moon for decades on end – instead of hours. Follow-up experiments are already in the making.
The idea, according to the space scientists, is “to develop a very simple sealed growth chamber that can support germination over a five-10 day period in a spacecraft on the moon,” with filter paper used to feed dissolved nutrients to the plant.
NASA wants to start off with basil, turnips and Arabidopsis. The latter has been described by scientists as the ‘lab rat’ of plant biology.

The habitats will have to regulate their own water consumption, temperature and power supply.
“Upon landing on the moon a trigger would release a small reservoir of water wetting the filter paper and initiating germination of the seeds. The air in the sealed container would be adequate for more than five days of growth. No additional air supply or air processing would be necessary. The seedlings would be photographed at intervals with sufficient resolution to compare with growth in Earth controls. We would use the natural sunlight on the moon as the source of illumination for plant germination as a first ISRU (in situ resource utilization) demonstration,” the scientists reported on the space agency’s website. 
Interestingly, the experiment is quite cheap. This is in part due to technological advances, but also owing to NASA’s adventurous idea of crowd sourcing the initiative. Instead of copying the experiment hundreds of times over, the special kits and growth habitats will be distributed to schools, as well as budding scientists. The space agency will then collect all the data from their experiments and compare it to the results on the moon. This will also give schoolkids the opportunity to personally contribute to the study.
Such a lighthearted approach has never been taken to an experiment of such magnitude, and the crowd sourcing initiative is already being praised for its ingenuity.
The only question remaining is – how do we get the plants up there?
The agency’s best bet is to send the plants on a commercial spacecraft.
Google has been instrumental in spearheading the commercial space race, with its Lunar X-Prize 2015 being sought after by many takers.
The prize will go to the one who safely lands a vessel on the moon, travels at an altitude of 500 meters above, on, or below its surface and transmits two ‘moon casts’ back to Earth by December 31, 2015. Bonus prizes will also be available.
The beauty of the Google-prize approach is that NASA no longer has to spend hundreds of millions of dollars or wait until the next space ship departs for our satellite.
Speaking to, prominent planetary scientist, Dr. Chris McKay, explained that just 20 years ago, the project would have cost $300 million, while now it can be done at literally less than a hundredth the cost. It is a victory for both NASA and the private space industry.
“Just like we buy tickets on commercial airlines, why shouldn't we buy space on commercial flights,” he explained.
Even if NASA fails, a new door has been opened to undertaking incredibly ambitious projects at negligible costs.

Varun Agarwal: From failing in engineering to co-founding a million-dollar company